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Enhancing information-centric networking for a name-based internet of things. University of Aveiro, Portugal, (2020)Content Retrieval while Moving Across IP and NDN Network Architectures., , , , и . ISCC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Improve Contextual IoT service discovery with semantic models., , , и . FiCloud, стр. 227-233. IEEE, (2022)Performance Comparison of Steady State GAs and Generational GAs for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems., , , , и . GECCO Companion, стр. 475-478. ACM, (2023)Dynamic Interdomain Network Slicing for Verticals in the 5Growth Project., , , , , , , , и . NFV-SDN, стр. 154-160. IEEE, (2021)Selectively Accessing Light Field Face Images over Information Centric Networking., , , , , , , и . NTMS, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2018)Network federation: Challenges and opportunities., , , и . Internet Technol. Lett., (мая 2024)Toward the Realization of Vertical Slices: Mapping 5G Features to Industrial Requirements., , и . IEEE Access, (2024)5GAIner: Taking the verticals into the 5G road., , , , и . EuCNC/6G Summit, стр. 514-519. IEEE, (2023)Consumer driven information freshness approach for content centric networking., , и . INFOCOM Workshops, стр. 482-487. IEEE, (2014)