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The Metro Map Layout Problem., , и ., том 35 из CRPIT, стр. 91-100. Australian Computer Society, (2004)An ILP for the metro-line crossing problem., , и . CATS, том 77 из CRPIT, стр. 49-56. Australian Computer Society, (2008)Some Approaches to the Analysis and Visualization of the Internet Movie Database, , , , , и . Draft from the University of Ljubljana, (2005)Schematisation of Tree Drawings., , и . GD, том 4372 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 66-76. Springer, (2006)Automatic visualisation of metro maps., , и . J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 17 (3): 203-224 (2006)Visualisation and analysis of the internet movie database., , , , , и . APVIS, стр. 17-24. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Increasing the readability of graph drawings with centrality-based scaling., и . APVIS, том 60 из CRPIT, стр. 67-76. Australian Computer Society, (2006)Skeletal Animation for the Exploration of Graphs., и ., том 35 из CRPIT, стр. 61-70. Australian Computer Society, (2004)Graph Interaction through Force-Based Skeletal Animation., , и ., том 35 из CRPIT, стр. 81-90. Australian Computer Society, (2004)Path Simplification for Metro Map Layout., и . GD, том 4372 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 258-269. Springer, (2006)