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Comparing the impact of different compensation policies on collective land reclamation, и . Proceedings of ESSA'08, (2008)Modelling the role of neighbourhood support in regional climate change adaptation: Submitted to: Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, , и . (2012)Non-contact process control sensors for nanoliter dispensing systems (Kontaktfreie Sensoren zur Prozesskontrolle von Nanoliter Dosiersystemen). University of Freiburg, Germany, (2013) ( and Resolving Norm-Behavior Inconsistencies - A Theoretical Agent-Based Model., и . ESSA, стр. 41-52. Springer, (2021)Modelling the social and economic dimensions of farmer decision making under conditions of water stress, , и . 1st ICC Workshop on Complexity in Social Systems, Lisbon, (2008)A middle-range model of collective management in an asymmetric resource dilemma and a case study example: To be submitted to: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, , и . (2009)Dynamics of Task Oriented Agent Behaviour in Multiple Layer Social Networks: Advancing Social Simulation: The First World Congress, , и . Springer Japan, (2007)Agent-Based Modeling of the Diffusion of Environmental Innovations --- an Empirical Approach, и . Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 76 (4): 497--511 (мая 2009)Zum wachsenden Einfluss von communities und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen auf die Marke. Arbeitspapier zur Schriftenreihe Global Branding FGM-Verl., München, (2002)Check my chart: a robust color chart tracker for colorimetric camera calibration., , , и . MIRAGE, стр. 5:1-5:8. ACM, (2013)