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VM Profile Based Optimized Network Attack Pattern Detection Scheme for DDOS Attacks in Cloud., и . SSCC, том 377 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 255-261. Springer, (2013)A light weight centralized file monitoring approach for securing files in Cloud environment., , и . ICITST, стр. 382-387. IEEE, (2012)Collaborative teaching in large classes of computer science courses., , , , , , , , и . IC3, стр. 397-403. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Secure Private Cloud Architecture for Mobile Infrastructure as a Service., , , и . SERVICES, стр. 149-154. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Ontology Based Information Retrieval for Learning Styles of Autistic People., и . HPAGC, том 169 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 293-298. Springer, (2011)System cum Program-Wide Lightweight Malicious Program Execution Detection Scheme for Cloud., и . Inf. Secur. J. A Glob. Perspect., 23 (3): 86-99 (2014)A secure and lightweight approach for critical data security in cloud., , , и . CASoN, стр. 315-320. IEEE, (2012)A fingerprinting system calls approach for intrusion detection in a cloud environment., , , и . CASoN, стр. 309-314. IEEE, (2012)A Hybrid Intrusion Detection Architecture for Defense against DDoS Attacks in Cloud Environment., , и . IC3, том 306 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 498-499. Springer, (2012)Implementing private cloud at IIT Roorkee: an initial experience., , и . ICACCI, стр. 453-458. ACM, (2012)