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Symbolic Automata for Static Specification Mining., , , and . SAS, volume 7935 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 63-83. Springer, (2013)Generating Tests by Example., , and . VMCAI, volume 10747 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 406-429. Springer, (2018)Deductive Synthesis of Programs with Pointers: Techniques, Challenges, Opportunities - (Invited Paper)., , , , and . CAV (1), volume 12759 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 110-134. Springer, (2021)Constrictor: Immutability as a Design Concept., , and . ECOOP, volume 313 of LIPIcs, page 22:1-22:29. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2024)Abstraction-Based Interaction Model for Synthesis., , and . VMCAI, volume 10747 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 382-405. Springer, (2018)The wonderful wizard of LoC: paying attention to the man behind the curtain of lines-of-code metrics., , and . Onward!, page 146-156. ACM, (2020)Programming-by-Example with Nested Examples., and . VL/HCC, page 280-282. IEEE, (2023)Learn&Fuzz: machine learning for input fuzzing., , and . ASE, page 50-59. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Small-Step Live Programming by Example., , , , and . UIST, page 614-626. ACM, (2020)On the importance of common sense in program synthesis.. ISSTA/ECOOP Workshops, page 7. ACM, (2018)