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Can You Teach the Elephant to Dance? AKA: Culture Eats Data Science for Breakfast.. KDD, стр. 403. ACM, (2016)Profiling on a massively Parallel Computer., и . CONPAR, том 634 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 97-102. Springer, (1992)Automating exploratory data analysis for efficient data mining., , и . KDD, стр. 424-429. ACM, (2000)Interactive path analysis of web site traffic., , и . KDD, стр. 414-419. ACM, (2001)Integrating Profiling into Debugging., , и . ICPP (2), стр. 284-285. CRC Press, (1991)Learning Simple Relations: Theory and Applications., и . SDM, стр. 420-436. SIAM, (2002)