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MAPS: creating socio-technical environments in support of distributed cognition for people with cognitive impairments and their caregivers.. CHI Extended Abstracts, page 1051-1052. ACM, (2004)The Assistant Project - Creating a Smartphone App to Assist Older People when Travelling by Public Transport., , and . ICT4AgeingWell, page 253-258. SCITEPRESS, (2015)Distributed Intelligence and Scaffolding in Support of Cognitive Health., and . HCI (5), volume 5614 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 334-343. Springer, (2009)Design, adoption, and assessment of a socio-technical environment supporting independence for persons with cognitive disabilities., and . CHI, page 597-606. ACM, (2008)The ASSISTANT Project - Independence Though Mobility., , and . EPS, SciTePress, (2015)'Senior moments': loss and context., , and . PETRA, ACM, (2009)Elders Using Smartphones - A Set of Research Based Heuristic Guidelines for Designers., and . HCI (5), volume 8514 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 26-37. Springer, (2014)Exploring design trade-offs for achieving social inclusion in multi-tiered design problems., , , and . Behav. Inf. Technol., 39 (1): 27-46 (2020)Affective brain-computer interfaces: Psychophysiological markers of emotion in healthy persons and in persons with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis., , , , , and . ACII, page 1-11. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)End user programming and context responsiveness in handheld prompting systems for persons with cognitive disabilities and caregivers.. CHI Extended Abstracts, page 1252-1255. ACM, (2005)