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The profitability of technical trading rules in the Asian stock markets, и . Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 3 (2–3): 257 - 284 (1995)The degree of price resolution and equity trading costs. Journal of Financial Economics, 45 (1): 9--34 (июля 1997)An empirical examination of information, differences of opinion, and trading activity, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 40 (1): 105--134 (января 1996)Quote-based competition and trade execution costs in NYSE-listed stocks. Journal of Financial Economics, 70 (3): 385--422 (декабря 2003)A cross-exchange comparison of execution costs and information flow for NYSE-listed stocks, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 46 (3): 293--319 (декабря 1997)Bid-ask spreads in the interbank foreign exchange markets. Journal of Financial Economics, 35 (3): 317--348 (июня 1994)Market transparency, liquidity externalities, and institutional trading costs in corporate bonds, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 82 (2): 251--288 (ноября 2006)Does an electronic stock exchange need an upstairs market?, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 73 (1): 3--36 (июля 2004)Time-varying risk premia and forecastable returns in futures markets, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 32 (2): 169--193 (октября 1992)