Author of the publication

An IT Training Programme for Blind Computer Users - Presentation and Discussion of Didactic and Teletutorial Implications.

, , , and . ICCHP, volume 4061 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1306-1312. Springer, (2006)

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An IT Training Programme for Blind Computer Users - Presentation and Discussion of Didactic and Teletutorial Implications., , , and . ICCHP, volume 4061 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1306-1312. Springer, (2006)Study Center for Visually Impaired Persons - Supportive System for Blind and Partially Sighted Students at the University of Karlsruhe/Germany.. ICCHP, volume 860 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 222-228. Springer, (1994)Grundzüge der mikro- und makroökonomischen Theorie, and . WiSt-Taschenbücher Vahlen, München, (1986)Distance Education and Training Programme on Accessible Web Design., , , , and . ICTA, page 215-218. (2009)Grundzüge der mikro- und makroökonomischen Theorie, and . WiSt-Taschenbücher Vahlen, München, 2., völlig neubearb. Aufl edition, (1997)Die Veränderungen der Lohnstruktur. Berlin, (1959)Produktions- und Kostentheorie. Uni-Taschenbücher Fischer, Stuttgart, (1974)Living, Teaching and Learning at Any Time and at Any Place. e-Learning - Opportunities and Barriers for Visually Impaired Students.. ICCHP, volume 3118 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 151-156. Springer, (2004)Accessibility: Education for Web Design and E-Learning Introduction to the Special Thematic Session., and . ICCHP, volume 5105 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 178-181. Springer, (2008)Inflationstheorie. Erträge der Forschung Wiss. Buchges., Darmstadt, (1974)