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From Epidemics to Distributed Computing, , , and . IEEE Computer, 37 (5): 60-67 (May 2004)The PCL Theorem: Transactions cannot be Parallel, Consistent, and Live., , , and . J. ACM, 66 (1): 2:1-2:66 (2019)Probabilistic and temporal failure detectors for solving distributed problems., , and . J. Parallel Distributed Comput., (2021)Lock-Unlock: Is That All? A Pragmatic Analysis of Locking in Software Systems., , , , and . ACM Trans. Comput. Syst., 36 (1): 1:1-1:149 (2018)The Database State Machine Approach., , and . Distributed Parallel Databases, 14 (1): 71-98 (2003)Strategyproof Learning: Building Trustworthy User-Generated Datasets., , and . CoRR, (2021)Dependable distributed object systems., , and . OOPSLA Addendum, page 136-137. ACM, (1997)Smaller, Faster & Lighter KNN Graph Constructions., , , and . WWW, page 1060-1070. ACM / IW3C2, (2020)Permissiveness in Transactional Memories., , and . DISC, volume 5218 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 305-319. Springer, (2008)Optimistic Erasure-Coded Distributed Storage., , and . DISC, volume 5218 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 182-196. Springer, (2008)