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Economics, and . Harper international edition Harper & Row, New York, NY u.a., 2. ed edition, (1975)Profits in the United States. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, N.Y., (1968)Ökonomie aus traditioneller und radikaler Sicht, and . Athenäum-Taschenbücher Athenäum Fischer Taschenbuch Verl., Frankfurt a. M., 3. Aufl edition, (1984)Stagflation. Harper & Row, New York, NY u.a., (1976)Stagflation. Harper and Row, New York, 2. ed edition, (1983)Economics, and . Harper international edition Harper and Row, New York, 4. ed edition, (1981)Macroeconomics, and . Harper & Row, New York, (1984)Introduction to the economics of growth, unemployment and inflation. Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, NY, (1964)The business cycle. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ u.a., (1991)Economics, and . Harper Collins, New York, 6. ed edition, (1990)