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bhyve - JSON format and capsicum support for the snapshot feature., , , , и . ICCP, стр. 25-29. IEEE, (2021)Performance Evaluation of In-kernel System Calls., , , , и . ECBS-EERC, стр. 130-133. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Distributed Rendering Engine., , и . IWCC, том 2326 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 207-215. Springer, (2001)Systems Monitoring and Big Data Analysis Using the Elasticsearch System., , , и . CSCS, стр. 188-193. IEEE, (2019)Advanced Customer Activity Prediction Based on Deep Hierarchic Encoder-Decoders., , , и . CSCS, стр. 403-409. IEEE, (2019)Detection of Suspicious Connections on Android Mobile Devices., и . CSCS, стр. 323-328. IEEE, (2019)Towards Using SCTP as a Data Transport Protocol for Data-Intensive Batch Jobs., , , и . CSCS, стр. 83-90. IEEE, (2013)Framework for Evaluation and Comparison of Primality Testing Algorithms., , и . CSCS, стр. 483-490. IEEE, (2015)On using Grid and distributed computing for mobile applications., , и . ICSCS, стр. 92-97. IEEE, (2013)Cloudifier virtual apps: Virtual desktop predictive analytics apps environment based on GPU computing framework., , и . ICCP, стр. 133-138. IEEE, (2017)