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Software engineering for adaptive and self-managing systems., , , , , , и . ICSE, стр. 1015-1016. ACM, (2006)Automatic detection of incomplete requirements via symbolic analysis., и . MoDELS, стр. 385-395. ACM, (2016)An ecology-based evolutionary algorithm to evolve solutions to complex problems., , , и . ALIFE, MIT Press, (2012)Analysis and Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems via Environmental Domain Knowledge & Modeling., , и . SEAMS@ICSE, стр. 11-17. IEEE, (2021)Automatically Generating Behavioral Models of Adaptive Systems to Address Uncertainty., и . MoDELS, том 5301 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 568-583. Springer, (2008)AMOEBA-RT: Run-Time Verification of Adaptive Software., , и . MoDELS (Workshops), том 5002 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 212-224. Springer, (2007)UML Modeling for Visually-Impaired Persons., и . HuFaMo@MoDELS, том 1522 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 4-10., (2015)Composing Adaptive Software., , , и . Computer, 37 (7): 56-64 (2004)Moving industry-guided multimedia technology into the classroom., , и . SIGCSE, стр. 160-164. ACM, (1999)Applying adaptation design patterns., и . ICAC, стр. 69-70. ACM, (2009)