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Extracting Patterns and Relations from the World Wide Web. WebDB '98: Selected papers from the International Workshop on The World Wide Web and Databases, page 172--183. Londonand UK, Springer-Verlag, (1999)Mining Optimized Gain Rules for Numeric Attributes., , and . KDD, page 135-144. ACM, (1999)Mining Optimized Gain Rules for Numeric Attributes., , and . IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 15 (2): 324-338 (2003)Scalable Techniques for Mining Causal Structures., , , and . VLDB, page 594-605. Morgan Kaufmann, (1998)Extracting Patterns and Relations from the World Wide Web.. WebDB, volume 1590 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 172-183. Springer, (1998)Reprint of: The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual web search engine., and . Comput. Networks, 56 (18): 3825-3833 (2012)Query-free news search., , , and . WWW, page 1-10. ACM, (2003)The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual search engine, and . Proceedings of the ACM Conference on the World Wide Web, (1998)Beyond Market Baskets: Generalizing Association Rules to Correlations., , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 265-276. ACM Press, (1997)Dynamic Itemset Counting and Implication Rules for Market Basket Data., , , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 255-264. ACM Press, (1997)