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Diffusion propagator as a probe of the structure of porous media, , , and . Physical Review Letters, 68 (24): 3555+ (Jun 15, 1992)Novel geometrical effects in electrolytic conduction in porous media, , and . Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 157 (1): 493--496 (May 1, 1989)Packing of Compressible Granular Materials, , and . Phys. Rev. Lett., (2000)New Pore-Size Parameter Characterizing Transport in Porous Media, , and . Physical Review Letters, 57 (20): 2564--2567 (1986)Grain consolidation and electrical conductivity in porous media, and . Physical Review B, 31 (9): 5990--5997 (1985)Geometrical models for the high frequency dielectric properties of brine saturated sandstones, , , and . Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 157 (1): 499--502 (May 1, 1989)Short-time behavior of the diffusion coefficient as a geometrical probe of porous media, , and . Physical Review B, 47 (14): 8565+ (Apr 1, 1993)Effective medium theory of electrical conduction in two-component anisotropic composites. Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 207 (1-3): 131--136 (Jun 1, 1994)Calculation of electrical transport in continuum systems by diffusion simulation, and . Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 157 (1): 230--234 (May 1, 1989)