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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

A Quality Framework for Automated Planning Knowledge Models., und . ICAART (2), Seite 635-644. SCITEPRESS, (2021)On the Effective Configuration of Planning Domain Models., , , und . IJCAI, Seite 1704-1711. AAAI Press, (2015)Towards application of automated planning in urban traffic control., , , und . ITSC, Seite 985-990. IEEE, (2013)Generating Macro-Operators by Exploiting Inner Entanglements., , , und . SARA, AAAI, (2013)Acquiring planning domain models using LOCM., , und . Knowledge Eng. Review, 28 (2): 195-213 (2013)Engineering Knowledge for Automated Planning: Towards a Notion of Quality., , und . K-CAP, Seite 14:1-14:8. ACM, (2017)OCL Plus: Processes and Events in Object-Centred Planning., , , , und . STAIRS, Volume 241 von Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Seite 282-293. IOS Press, (2012)In Defence of Design Patterns for AI Planning Knowledge Models (short paper)., und . IPS-RCRA@AI*IA, Volume 2745 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2020)On the Online Generation of Effective Macro-Operators., , und . IJCAI, Seite 1544-1550. AAAI Press, (2015)Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems: An Introduction., , , , , und . Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems, Springer, (2016)