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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Global dynamic analysis of general Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with impulse, und . Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 32 (5): 1830--1837 (Juni 2007)Attitude estimation for small helicopter using extended kalman filter., , , , und . RAM, Seite 577-581. IEEE, (2008)Feature selection method based on multi-fractal dimension and harmony search algorithm and its application., , , und . Int. J. Systems Science, 47 (14): 3476-3486 (2016)Differential regulation of morphology and stemness of mouse embryonic stem cells by substrate stiffness and topography, , , , und . Biomaterials, 35 (13): 3945--3955 (2014)Impact of Collaborative Ties on Open Source Software Development.. AMCIS, Seite 23. Association for Information Systems, (2006)Best-Effort FPGA Programming: A Few Steps Can Go a Long Way, , , , , , und . (2018)cite arxiv:1807.01340.Energy modeling and efficiency optimization using a novel extreme learning fuzzy logic network., , , , , , und . CoDIT, Seite 210-215. IEEE, (2018)A Bootstrapping Based Refinement Framework for Mining Opinion Words and Targets., , , und . CIKM, Seite 1995-1998. ACM, (2014)A first view on mobile video popularity as time series., , und . HOTPOST@MobiHoc, Seite 7-12. ACM, (2016)A review of remote sensing in flood assessment, , , , , , , , , und 1 andere Autor(en). Agro-Geoinformatics (Agro-Geoinformatics), 2016 Fifth International Conference on, Seite 1--4. IEEE, (2016)