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Identifying DDoS Attacks from Fluctuations in Wireless Traffic in an Intelligent IoT Road Network., , и . IWCMC, стр. 451-456. IEEE, (2020)An adaptable Web GIS platform for monitoring Port air quality., , , и . MED, стр. 512-517. IEEE, (2021)Internet Service of Vehicle Fleet Routing with Tabu Search and OSRM., , , , и . CoDIT, стр. 172-176. IEEE, (2020)Cognitive Game for OCD Effects Minimisation Using IoT., и . DCOSS, стр. 182-184. IEEE, (2019)ETX-based relay selection coalition game for Wireless Sensor networks., и . IWCMC, стр. 705-710. IEEE, (2017)Placing User-Generated Photo Metadata on a Map., и . SMAP, стр. 79-84. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Passenger Routing Algorithm for COVID-19 Spread Prevention by Minimising Overcrowding., , и . Comput., 13 (2): 47 (2024)Optimising Wireless Sensor Network Link Quality Through Power Control with Non-convex Utilities Using Game Theory., и . ADHOC-NOW, том 10517 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 255-261. Springer, (2017)Low cost V2X traffic lights and vehicles communication solution for dynamic routing., , и . ICTRS, стр. 56-65. ACM, (2019)On the Potential Game of Packet Reception Ratio Utility Functions in Wireless Sensor Networks., и . MED, стр. 880-885. IEEE, (2021)