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Fast Overlapping Block Processing Algorithm for Feature Extraction., , , , и . Symmetry, 14 (4): 715 (2022)Energy-Efficient Coverage Enhancement of Indoor THz-MISO Systems: An FD-NOMA Approach., , , , , и . PIMRC, стр. 483-489. IEEE, (2021)A heuristics based approach for cellular mobile network planning., , и . IWCMC, стр. 79-84. ACM, (2006)Finding Multi-Objective Shortest Paths Using Memory-Efficient Stochastic Evolution Based Algorithm., , , и . ICNC, стр. 182-187. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Fuzzy Based MultiObjective Multicast Routing Using Tabu Search., , , и . International Conference on Internet Computing, стр. 164-170. CSREA Press, (2002)GSA: scheduling and allocation using genetic algorithm., , и . EURO-DAC, стр. 84-89. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)A fast constructive algorithm for fixed channel assignment problem., , и . ISCAS (5), стр. 65-68. IEEE, (2001)Fast force-directed/simulated evolution hybrid for multiobjective VLSI cell placement., и . ISCAS (5), стр. 53-56. IEEE, (2004)Comparative evaluation of parallelization strategies for evolutionary and stochastic heuristics., , , и . GECCO, стр. 921-922. ACM, (2005)Fuzzy Evolutionary Hybrid Metaheuristic for Network Topology Design., , и . EMO, том 1993 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 400-415. Springer, (2001)