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New Concepts for Amalgamation and Extension in the Framework of Specification Logics.

, , and . Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science, volume 40 of World Scientific Series in Computer Science, World Scientific, (1993)

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On the Correctness of Modular Systems., , and . AMAST, page 209-216. Springer, (1993)Integration Paradigm for Data Type and Process Specification Techniques., and . Bulletin of the EATCS, (1998)Symbolic graphs for attributed graph constraints.. J. Symb. Comput., 46 (3): 294-315 (2011)Correctness of Incremental Model Synchronization with Triple Graph Grammars., and . ICMT, volume 8568 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 74-90. Springer, (2014)On the Specification and Verification of Model Transformations., and . Semantics and Algebraic Specification, volume 5700 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 140-161. Springer, (2009)Role of Abstraction in Program Development - Response.. IFIP Congress, page 143-146. North-Holland/IFIP, (1986)A refutation procedure for proving satisfiability of constraint specifications on XML documents., and . SCSS, volume 30 of EPiC Series in Computing, page 47-61. EasyChair, (2014)Components for Algebra Transformation Systems., and . UNIGRA, volume 82 of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, page 63-78. Elsevier, (2003)Unification of Drags., and . UNIF, page 8:1-8:7. (2020)Architectural Connectors for Sequence Diagrams., and . PROLE, volume 206 of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, page 111-131. Elsevier, (2007)