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t-Deletion-s-Insertion-Burst Correcting Codes., и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 69 (10): 6401-6413 (октября 2023)End-to-End Automated Lane-Change Maneuvering Considering Driving Style Using a Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm., , , и . Sensors, 20 (18): 5443 (2020)t-Deletion-1-Insertion-Burst Correcting Codes., и . ISIT, стр. 808-813. IEEE, (2022)Structure design and motion control of manipulator., , и . WAC, стр. 592-595. IEEE, (2022)RACLN: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface as Anchors for Cooperative Localization of Wireless Sensor Network., , , и . IEEE Internet Things J., 11 (17): 28824-28837 (сентября 2024)ScanERU: Interactive 3D Visual Grounding based on Embodied Reference Understanding., , , , , и . CoRR, (2023)Learning-Based Resource Management in Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems., , , и . INFOCOM (Workshops), стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2024)Dynamic Channel Access via Meta-Reinforcement Learning., и . GLOBECOM, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Full-chip analysis of unintentional forward biased diodes., , и . ISQED, стр. 62-66. IEEE, (2011)Monte-Carlo based random passive energy beamforming for reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted wireless power transfer., , и . Digit. Commun. Networks, 9 (3): 667-676 (июня 2023)