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Teaching parallel and distributed computing concepts in simulation with WRENCH., , , and . J. Parallel Distributed Comput., (2021)Emerging Frameworks for Advancing Scientific Workflows Research, Development, and Education., , , , , , , , , and 7 other author(s). WORKS, page 74-80. IEEE, (2021)Predicting nerve guidance conduit performance for peripheral nerve regeneration using bootstrap aggregated neural networks., , , , and . IJCNN, page 1-7. IEEE, (2013)Identifier Binding Attacks and Defenses in Software-Defined Networks., , , , , and . USENIX Security Symposium, page 415-432. USENIX Association, (2017)Peachy Parallel Assignments (EduHPC 2020)., , , , , and . EduHPC@SC, page 53-58. IEEE, (2020)Markov Modeling of Moving Target Defense Games., , , , and . MTD@CCS, page 81-92. ACM, (2016)Lightning Talks of EduHPC 2020., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). EduHPC@SC, page 59-64. IEEE, (2020)S3B: Software-Defined Secure Server Bindings., and . ICDCS, page 434-444. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)PROVIDE: Hiding from Automated Network Scans with Proofs of Identity., and . HotWeb, page 66-71. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)PayBreak: Defense Against Cryptographic Ransomware., , , and . AsiaCCS, page 599-611. ACM, (2017)