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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

On the relationship between strand spaces and multi-agent systems., und . ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Seite 106-115. ACM, (2001)A Quantitative Account of Harm., , und . CoRR, (2022)On spectrum sharing games., , , und . Distributed Comput., 22 (4): 235-248 (2010)The hierarchical approach to modeling knowledge and common knowledge., , , und . Int. J. Game Theory, 28 (3): 331-365 (1999)Using Counterfactuals in Knowledge-Based Programming., und . TARK, Seite 97-110. Morgan Kaufmann, (1998)On the Complexity of Conditional Logics, und . In Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proc. Fourth International Conference (KR '94), Seite 202--213. Morgan Kaufmann, (1994)A Propositional Model Logic of Time Intervals, und . LICS, Seite 279-292. IEEE Computer Society, (1986)True Relative Completeness of an Axiom System for the Language L4 (Abridged), , und . LICS, Seite 11-25. IEEE Computer Society, (1986)Language-based Games.. ICAART (1), Seite IS-7. SciTePress, (2015)Reasoning about Uncertainty. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (2003)