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Active Objects in TMN., , and . Integrated Network Management, volume 86 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 139-150. Chapman & Hall, (1997)Unified Fault, Resource Management and Control in ATM-based IBCN., , , , and . Integrated Network Management, volume 86 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 262-274. Chapman & Hall, (1997)Adaptive post-failure load balancing in fast reroute enabled IP networks., , and . Integrated Network Management, page 470-477. IEEE, (2011)An adaptive clustering approach for the management of dynamic systems., , and . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 23 (12): 2223-2235 (2005)Effects on TCP of routing strategies in satellite constellations., , and . IEEE Commun. Mag., 39 (3): 172-181 (2001)A Framework for End-to-End Service Differentiation: Network Planes and Parallel Internets., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). IEEE Commun. Mag., 45 (9): 134-143 (2007)Adaptable misbehavior detection and isolation in wireless ad hoc networks using policies., , , and . Integrated Network Management, page 242-250. IEEE, (2009)Software-defined network support for transport resilience, , , and . IEEE NOMS, (2014)Mind the gap: modelling video delivery under expected periods of disconnection., , and . CHANTS@MobiCom, page 13-18. ACM, (2014)Network and Service Management., and . IEEE Communications Magazine, 57 (1): 12 (2019)