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A constitution for the European Union

, and (Eds.) CESifo seminar series MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. u.a., (2004)

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The economic effects of democratic participation, and . Journal of Public Economics, 87 (9-10): 2129--2155 (September 2003)Public choice III. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge u.a., 7. printing edition, (2007)Public Choice II. Cambridge surveys of economic literature Univ. Press, Cambridge, Rev. ed. of Public Choice edition, (1990)The corporation. Routledge studies in business organizations and networks Routledge, London u.a., (2003)Public choice III. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge u.a., 2. Repr. der 3. rev. und erw. Aufl. edition, (2005)Public choice. Cambridge surveys of economic literature Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge u.a., (1979)The modern corporation. Wheatsheaf Books, Brighton, (1986)The effects of conglomerate mergers : A survey of the empirical evidence. Journal of Banking & Finance, 1 (4): 315--347 (December 1977)Corporate governance and investment in Central and Eastern Europe, and . Journal of Comparative Economics, 35 (2): 414--437 (June 2007)Voting by veto. Journal of Public Economics, 10 (1): 57--75 (August 1978)