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Adaptive neural control design for a class of perturbed nonlinear time-varying delay and input delay systems., , , und . ICMLC, Seite 1168-1173. IEEE, (2011)Learning Biased SVM with Weighted Within-Class Scatter for Imbalanced Classification., und . Neural Process. Lett., 51 (1): 797-817 (2020)Non-Destructive Damage Detection of Spacecraft Thermal Protection System with ISAR Imaging., , , und . IGARSS, Seite 3386-3388. IEEE, (2022)A class of Cantor sets associated with the regular continued fractions., , und . Comput. Math. Appl., 61 (8): 2251-2255 (2011)Similarity Matrix Construction Methods in Sparse Subspace Clustering Algorithm for Hyperspectral Imagery Clustering., , , , und . ICIC (1), Volume 10361 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 695-700. Springer, (2017)Leaf Clustering Based on Sparse Subspace Clustering., , , , und . ICIC (2), Volume 9772 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 55-66. Springer, (2016)Factor Analysis Based Anomaly Detection., und . IAW, Seite 108-115. IEEE, (2003)Model-Driven Software Development, , und . Kapitel Generic and Domain-Specific Model Refactoring Using a Model Transformation Engine, Seite 199-217. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2005)Modeling and Solution for Multiple Chinese Postman Problems.. CSEE (2), Volume 215 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 520-525. Springer, (2011)Application of Monitoring and Controlling System of BeiDou-1 System in Transportation of Dangerous Chemicals., , und . LISS (3), Seite 12-16. SciTePress, (2011)