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A reputation framework to share resources into IoT-based environments., , , , и . ICNSC, стр. 513-518. IEEE, (2017)Improving the Compactness in Social Network Thematic Groups by Exploiting a Multi-dimensional User-to-Group Matching Algorithm., , , и . INCoS, стр. 57-64. IEEE, (2014)Design of Self-organizing Protocol for LoWPAN Networks., , , и . IDCS, том 11874 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 424-433. Springer, (2019)Using Trust and Ütility" for Group Formation in the Cloud of Things., , , , и . IDCS, том 11874 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 112-122. Springer, (2019)Track Chair's Report: Convergence of Distributed Clouds, Grids and Their Management (CDCGM 2018)., , и . WETICE, стр. 21-23. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Track Chair's Report: Convergence of Distributed Clouds, Grids and their Management CDCGM 2017., , , и . WETICE, стр. 92-94. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Effective Group Formation in Agent Societies., , , и . WOA, том 2215 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 39-44., (2018)Supporting Learner-to-Learner Interactions Using Online Social Network Information., , , и . WOA, том 1664 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 56-61., (2016)A Trust Model to Form Teams of Agentified AGVs in Workshop Areas., , , , , и . WOA, том 2963 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 61-71., (2021)On the Impact of Trust Relationships on Social Network Group Formation., , , и . WOA, том 1867 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 25-30., (2017)