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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

GeoLife: A Collaborative Social Networking Service among User, Location and Trajectory., , und . IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 33 (2): 32-39 (2010)Information flow control for stream processing in clouds., , , und . SACMAT, Seite 89-100. ACM, (2013)Mining correlation between locations using human location history., , , und . GIS, Seite 472-475. ACM, (2009)Mining geographic knowledge using location aware topic model., , , und . GIR, Seite 65-70. ACM, (2007)Detecting Geographical Serving Area of Web Resources., , , , und . GIR, Department of Geography, University of Zurich, (2006)Exploring High-Order User Preference on the Knowledge Graph for Recommender Systems, , , , , , und . ACM Trans. Inf. Syst., 37 (3): 32:1--32:26 (März 2019)Finding similar users using category-based location history., , , und . GIS, Seite 442-445. ACM, (2010)Detecting nearly duplicated records in location datasets., , , , und . GIS, Seite 137-143. ACM, (2010)Introduction to Mobile Information Retrieval., , , , und . IEEE Intelligent Systems, 25 (1): 11-15 (2010)Stream Processing with Secure Information Flow Constraints., , , und . DBSec, Volume 9149 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 311-329. Springer, (2015)