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Network stack specialization for performance., , and . HotNets, page 9:1-9:7. ACM, (2013)Rethinking cloud-hosted financial exchanges for response time fairness., , , , , and . HotNets, page 108-114. ACM, (2022)Empowering Azure Storage with RDMA., , , , , , , , , and 61 other author(s). NSDI, page 49-67. USENIX Association, (2023)Disk|Crypt|Net: rethinking the stack for high-performance video streaming., , , and . SIGCOMM, page 211-224. ACM, (2017)Resilient Baseband Processing in Virtualized RANs with Slingshot., , , , , , , , and . SIGCOMM, page 654-667. ACM, (2023)DBO: Fairness for Cloud-Hosted Financial Exchanges., , , , , and . SIGCOMM, page 550-563. ACM, (2023)Efficient Policy-Rich Rate Enforcement with Phantom Queues., , , , and . SIGCOMM, page 1000-1013. ACM, (2024)Network stack specialization for performance., , and . SIGCOMM, page 175-186. ACM, (2014)Network and storage stack specialisation for performance.. University of Cambridge, UK, (2018)British Library, EThOS.Challenging the Need for Packet Spraying in Large-Scale Distributed Training., , and . CoRR, (2024)