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Internet Use by Hospitality SMEs in Alpine Destinations., , , и . ENTER, стр. 469-480. Springer, (2007)Alpine Tourists' Willingness to Engage in Virtual Co-Creation of Experiences., , , и . ENTER, стр. 281-294. Springer, (2016)Do Social Media Investments Pay Off?: Preliminary Evidence from Swiss Destination Marketing Organizations., , , и . ENTER, стр. 267-280. Springer, (2016)Personalized Hybrid Recommendations for Daily Activities in a Tourist Destination., , , и . ISAmI, том 806 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 155-165. Springer, (2018)Inter-Organisational E-Learning Concepts: Success Factors for Marketing., , и . ENTER, стр. 569-579. Springer, (2004)Customer Engagement in Facebook Brand Communities: Measurement and Best Practices from the Airline Industry., , и . ENTER, стр. 683-696. Springer, (2017)Mobile Tourism Services and Technology Acceptance in a Mature Domestic Tourism Market: The Case of Switzerland., , , , и . ENTER, стр. 296-307. Springer, (2012)An Exploratory Field Study of Web 2.0 in Tourism., , , и . ENTER, стр. 152-163. Springer, (2008)eService by Swiss and Austrian Hotels: Does Language Matter?., , , и . ENTER, стр. 357-368. Springer, (2006)Stand und den Herausforderungen der Kundenkommunikation mittels Email und Einsatzpotenzial von Email Response Management Systemen (ERMS) bei Beherbergungsbetrieben., и . Wirtschaftsinformatik (2), том 247 из, стр. 801-812. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, (2009)