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Multi-Agent Systems and Blockchain: Results from a Systematic Literature Review., , , , and . PAAMS, volume 10978 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 110-126. Springer, (2018)A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Cross-Chain Atomic Swaps with HTLCs., , and . CoRR, (2020)Trusted Registration, Negotiation, and Service Evaluation in Multi-Agent Systems throughout the Blockchain Technology., , , , and . WI, page 56-63. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Towards a Trusted Support Platform for the Job Placement Task., , and . Euro-Par Workshops, volume 11997 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 203-215. Springer, (2019)Reputation Management in Multi-Agent Systems Using Permissioned Blockchain Technology., , , , and . WI, page 719-725. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Introduction to the Minitrack on Blockchain-based Intelligent Data-Management for Healthcare (BID4Health)., , and . HICSS, page 1-2. ScholarSpace, (2020)TUCUXI: An Intelligent System for Personalized Medicine from Individualization of Treatments to Research Databases and Back., , , , and . BCB, page 223-232. ACM, (2017)Trust in Tourism via Blockchain Technology: Results from a Systematic Review., , , , and . ENTER, page 304-317. Springer, (2019)Privacy - Preserving Data Exchange and Aggregation in Healthcare.. EPFL, Switzerland, (2018)A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Cross-ledger Swaps with Packetized Payments., , and . Financial Cryptography Workshops, volume 12676 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 177-187. Springer, (2021)