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Limited resolution in complex network community detection with Potts model approach, , , и . The European Physical Journal B, 56 (1): 41--45 (01.03.2007)Structure and tie strengths in mobile communication networks, , , , , , , и . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104 (18): 7332-7336 (2007)Self-organized criticality with and without conservation, и . Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 200 (1-4): 179--188 (15.11.1993)Anomalous roughening in three-dimensional polynucleation growth, , , и . Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 164 (1): 81--90 (15.03.1990)Preferential growth: solution and application to modeling stock market, и . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 299 (1-2): 121--126 (01.10.2001)On the Alexandrowicz relation between static and dynamic Ising exponents, и . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 167 (2): 333--337 (15.08.1990)Surface width exponents for three- and four-dimensional Eden growth, и . Europhys.~Lett., (1987)Intensity and Coherence of Motifs in Weighted Complex Networks, , , и . Physical Review E, (2005)Large price changes on small scales, , и . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 344 (1-2): 221--226 (01.12.2004)Price drops, fluctuations, and correlation in a multi-agent model of stock markets, , и . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 316 (1-4): 403--412 (15.12.2002)