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Optimal consumption dynamics with non-concave habit-forming utility, and . Economics Letters, 44 (1-2): 67--72 (1994)The decline of activist stabilization policy: Natural rate misperceptions, learning, and expectations, and . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 29 (11): 1927--1950 (November 2005)Rational Addiction with Learning and Regret, and . Journal of Political Economy, 103 (4): 739 (Jan 1, 1995)doi: 10.1086/262001.The quest for prosperity without inflation. Working paper series / European Central Bank European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, (2000)A quantitative exploration of the opportunistic approach to disinflation, , , , and . Journal of Monetary Economics, 53 (8): 1877--1893 (November 2006)Economic conditions, elections, and the magnitude of foreign conflicts, and . Journal of Public Economics, 80 (1): 121--140 (April 2001)Robust monetary policy with imperfect knowledge, and . Journal of Monetary Economics, 54 (5): 1406--1435 (July 2007)Historical monetary policy analysis and the Taylor rule. Journal of Monetary Economics, 50 (5): 983--1022 (July 2003)Leverage as a state variable for employment, inventory accumulation, and fixed investment, , and . NBER working paper series National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1994)The quest for prosperity without inflation. Journal of Monetary Economics, 50 (3): 633--663 (April 2003)