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The interaction between the equity premium and the risk-free rate, и . Economics Letters, 69 (1): 71--79 (октября 2000)Promotion of Electronic Commerce by a Regional Centre., , , и . Electron. Mark., 8 (2): 32-35 (1998)A theory of robust experiments for choice under uncertainty., , , , и . J. Econ. Theory, (2016)The α-MEU model: A comment., , , и . J. Econ. Theory, 146 (4): 1684-1698 (2011)Temporal Resolution of Uncertainty and Recursive Non-expected Utility Models, , и . Econometrica, 68 (2): 425--434 (61 03 2000)doi: 10.1111/1468-0262.00116.WHY DOES IT MATTER THAT BELIEFS AND VALUATIONS BE CORRECTLY REPRESENTED?*, и . International Economic Review, 46 (3): 917--934 (213 08 2005)doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2354.2005.00351.x.On the equivalence of preferences, и . Economics Letters, 70 (3): 341--348 (марта 2001)Modelling cognitive aspects of complex control tasks.. INTERACT, стр. 1017-1018. North-Holland, (1990)Equally-distributed equivalent utility, ex post egalitarianism and utilitarianism., , , и . J. Econ. Theory, 147 (4): 1545-1571 (2012)Implementing the core of a two-person pure allocation game without free disposal or integer games, , , и . Economics Letters, 37 (3): 223--227 (ноября 1991)