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GPU GEMM-Kernel Autotuning for scalable machine learners., , and . ML4CPS, page 66-76. Springer, (2018)Java Data Objects (JDO) im Überblick, , and . Java Spektrum, (2001)GivEn - Shape Optimization for Gas Turbines in Volatile Energy Networks., , , , , , , , , and 12 other author(s). CoRR, (2020)Detection of Directed Connectivities in Dynamic Systems for Different Excitation Signals using Spectral Granger Causality., , and . ML4CPS, page 97-106. Springer, (2018)A neuro-fuzzy supervisory control system for industrial batch processes., , and . FUZZ-IEEE, page 116-121. IEEE, (2000)ROBDEKON - competence center for decontamination robotics., , , and . Autom., 70 (10): 827-837 (2022)Fuel efficiency driver assistance system for manufacturer independent solutions., and . ITSC, page 212-217. IEEE, (2012)Predictive energy efficiency optimization of an electric vehicle using information about traffic light sequences and other vehicles., and . ITSC, page 919-926. IEEE, (2016)Model adaptive driver assistance system to increase fuel savings., and . ICVES, page 312-317. IEEE, (2012)Ein modulares Multisensorsystem für Rohrinspektions und Rohrsanierungsroboter., , , and . AMS, page 287-297. Springer, (2000)