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WebSOS: protecting web servers from DDoS attacks., , , , and . ICON, page 461-466. IEEE, (2003)ECN or Delay: Lessons Learnt from Analysis of DCQCN and TIMELY., , , and . CoNEXT, page 313-327. ACM, (2016)Brief announcement: strong detection of misconfigurations., , and . PODC, page 40. ACM, (2005)TCP Networks Stabilized by Buffer-Based AQMs., , , and . INFOCOM, page 964-974. IEEE, (2004)BBRvl vs BBRv2: Examining Performance Differences through Experimental Evaluation., , , and . LANMAN, page 1-6. IEEE, (2020)Distributed link scheduling in wireless networks., , , and . Discret. Math. Algorithms Appl., 12 (5): 2050058:1-2050058:43 (2020)Self-similarity and long range dependence on the internet: a second look at the evidence, origins and implications ., , , and . Comput. Networks, 48 (3): 377-399 (2005)Using graphic turing tests to counter automated DDoS attacks against web servers., , , , , and . ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, page 8-19. ACM, (2003)On the Optimality of Greedy Garbage Collection for SSDs., , and . SIGMETRICS Perform. Evaluation Rev., 43 (2): 63-65 (2015)Efficient interpretation of tabular documents., , and . ICPR, page 681-685. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)