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Other publications of authors with the same name

The dynamics of government, , , and . Journal of Monetary Economics, 52 (7): 1331--1358 (October 2005)Consumption and risk sharing over the life cycle, , and . Journal of Monetary Economics, 51 (3): 609--633 (April 2004)Growing Like China, , and . The American Economic Review, 101 (1): 196-233 (2011)Sustaining Fiscal Policy through Immigration. Journal of Political Economy, 108 (2): 300--323 (92 04 2000)doi: 10.1086/262120.Cyclical Dynamics in Idiosyncratic Labor Market Risk, , and . Journal of Political Economy, 112 (3): 695--717 (153 06 2004)doi: 10.1086/383105.The welfare cost of business cycles revisited: Finite lives and cyclical variation in idiosyncratic risk, , and . European Economic Review, 45 (7): 1311--1339 (2001)A POSITIVE THEORY OF GEOGRAPHIC MOBILITY AND SOCIAL INSURANCE*, , , and . International Economic Review, 46 (1): 263--303 (32 02 2005)doi: 10.1111/j.0020-6598.2005.00318.x.Taxes and the global allocation of capital, , and . Journal of Monetary Economics, 55 (1): 48--61 (January 2008)