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Performance Analysis of the Active Object Pattern in Middleware., , и . SEKE, стр. 730-735. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, (2007)Integrating publisher/subscriber services in component middleware for distributed real-time and embedded systems., , и . ACM Southeast Regional Conference, стр. 171-176. ACM, (2004)Infrastructure for component-based DDS application development., , , и . GPCE, стр. 53-62. ACM, (2011)Composing and Deploying Grid Middleware Web Services Using Model Driven Architecture., и . OTM, том 2519 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 633-649. Springer, (2002)Middleware for Resource-Aware Deployment and Configuration of Fault-Tolerant Real-time Systems., , , , , , и . IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, стр. 69-78. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Applying Patterns to Improve the Performance of Fault Tolerant CORBA., , , и . HiPC, том 1970 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 107-120. Springer, (2000)A self-tuning system based on application Profiling and Performance Analysis for optimizing Hadoop MapReduce cluster configuration., и . HiPC, стр. 89-98. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Addressing crosscutting deployment and configuration concerns of distributed real-time and embedded systems via aspect-oriented & model-driven software development., , и . ICSE, стр. 811-814. ACM, (2006)CQML: Aspect-Oriented Modeling for Modularizing and Weaving QoS Concerns in Component-Based Systems., , и . ECBS, стр. 11-20. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Evaluating adaptive resource management for distributed real-time embedded systems., , , и . ARM@Middleware, стр. 7. ACM, (2005)