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On Communication in the Design of Software Components of Distributed Computer Systems., и . ICDCS, стр. 280-287. IEEE Computer Society, (1982)On storage optimization of horizontal microprograms., , и . MICRO, стр. 98-106. ACM, (1974)Q-MAR: An Adaptive QoS Management Model for Situation-Aware Middleware., , и . EUC, том 3207 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 972-981. Springer, (2004)Ripple effect analysis of software maintenance., , и . COMPSAC, стр. 60-65. IEEE, (1978)Statistical properties of linear multi-category pattern classifiers based on the least-mean-square error criterion (Corresp.)., и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 14 (5): 778-780 (1968)On the Design of Easily Testable Sequential Machines, и . SWAT, стр. 38-42. IEEE Computer Society, (1971)Adaptive resource allocation for service-based systems., и . Internetware, стр. 3. ACM, (2009)Future Trends of Software Technology and Applications.. COMPSAC (1), стр. 15. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Sequential feature extraction for waveform recognition., и . AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference, том 36 из AFIPS Conference Proceedings, стр. 65-76. AFIPS Press, (1970)A Framework for Specifying and Managing Security Requirements in Collaborative Systems., и . ATC, том 4158 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 500-510. Springer, (2006)