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Identifying and estimating efficient markets models with contemporaneous instruments. Economics Letters, 35 (3): 279--284 (марта 1991)Recursive methods for computing equilibria of general equilibrium dynamic Stackelberg games, и . Economic Modelling, 14 (2): 155--173 (апреля 1997)Impulse functions in dynamic perfect foresight models. Economics Letters, 23 (1): 65--69 (1987)Time inconsistency in time-dependent team games, и . Economics Letters, 37 (1): 1--6 (сентября 1991)Interest rate innovations and the business cycle, и . Economics Letters, 26 (4): 305--309 (1988)Fiscal spending shocks, endogenous government spending, and real business cycles, и . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 20 (1-3): 237--256 (00 1996)Export promotion, learning by doing and growth, , и . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 23 (5-6): 747--772 (апреля 1999)International business cycles: What are the facts?, , и . Journal of Monetary Economics, 51 (2): 257--276 (марта 2004)The international transmission of policy announcement effects. Journal of International Money and Finance, 8 (2): 219--232 (июня 1989)International transmission of the business cycle in a multi-sector model, , и . European Economic Review, 46 (2): 273--300 (февраля 2002)