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Efficient Computation of Robust Average of Compressive Sensing Data in Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Sensor Faults.

, , и . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 24 (8): 1525-1534 (2013)

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Efficient Computation of Robust Average of Compressive Sensing Data in Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Sensor Faults., , и . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 24 (8): 1525-1534 (2013)Towards behavior-independent in-hand user authentication on smartphone using vibration: poster., , , , , и . MobiCom, стр. 844-846. ACM, (2022)Analysis and improvement on the robustness of AQM in DiffServ networks., , , , и . ICC, стр. 2297-2301. IEEE, (2004)SimpleTrack: Adaptive Trajectory Compression with Deterministic Projection Matrix for Mobile Sensor Networks., , , , и . CoRR, (2014)A Deterministic Construction of Projection matrix for Adaptive Trajectory Compression., , , , и . CoRR, (2013)An Energy Efficient Select Optimal Neighbor Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks., , , и . LCN, стр. 626-633. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Poster Abstract: A Weakly Supervised Tracking of Hand Hygiene Technique., , , , и . IPSN, стр. 331-332. IEEE, (2020)Rate-Diversity and Resource-Aware Broadcast and Multicast in Multi-rate Wireless Mesh Networks., , , и . Mob. Networks Appl., 13 (1-2): 38-53 (2008)On large scale deployment of parallelized file transfer protocol., , , и . IPCCC, стр. 225-232. IEEE, (2005)Energy efficient information collection in wireless sensor networks using adaptive compressive sensing., , и . LCN, стр. 443-450. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)