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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

A spoken dialog system based on automatic grammar generation and template-based weighting for autonomous mobile robots., , , und . INTERSPEECH, (2014)A Symbol-level Melody Completion Based on a Convolutional Neural Network with Generative Adversarial Learning., , , und . J. Inf. Process., (2020)Packet Loss Concealment of Voice-over IP Packet using Redundant Parameter Transmission Under Severe Loss Conditions., und . J. Inf. Hiding Multim. Signal Process., 5 (2): 286-295 (2014)Free software toolkit for Japanese large vocabulary continuous speech recognition., , , , , , , , , und 2 andere Autor(en). INTERSPEECH, Seite 476-479. ISCA, (2000)A Japanese text dictation system based on phoneme recognition using a modified LVQ2 method., , , und . ICSLP, Seite 241-244. ISCA, (1990)Evaluation of English Speech Recognition for Japanese Learners Using DNN-Based Acoustic Models., , , und . IIH-MSP (2), Volume 110 von Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Seite 93-100. Springer, (2018)Segmental Pitch Control Using Speech Input Based on Differential Contexts and Features for Customizable Neural Speech Synthesis., , und . IIH-MSP (2), Volume 110 von Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Seite 124-131. Springer, (2018)A Study on a Spoken Dialogue System with Cooperative Emotional Speech Synthesis Using Acoustic and Linguistic Information., , , und . IIH-MSP (2), Volume 110 von Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Seite 101-108. Springer, (2018)A new word pre-selection method based on an extended redundant hash addressing for continuous speech recognition., und . ICASSP (2), Seite 299-302. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)Analysis and Estimation of Sentence Speakability for English Pronunciation Evaluation., , , und . GCCE, Seite 353-355. IEEE, (2020)