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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Creating friction: infrastructuring civic engagement in everyday life., und . Aarhus Conference on Critical Alternatives, Seite 145-156. Aarhus University Press / ACM, (2015)Learning support through scaffolding collaborative project work., und . CSCL (2), Seite 73-75. International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2009)978-1-4092-8598-4.Public deliberation in municipal planning: supporting action and reflection with mobile technology., , , , und . C&T, Seite 88-97. ACM, (2011)Local area artworks: collaborative art interpretation on-site., , und . UbiComp (Adjunct Publication), Seite 79-82. ACM, (2013)Supporting Everyday Philanthropy: Care Work In Situ and at Scale., , und . CSCW, Seite 1631-1645. ACM, (2017)Putting 'local' back into public Wifi hotspots., und . UbiComp, Seite 800-801. ACM, (2012)Hacking as Transgressive Infrastructuring: Mobile Phone Networks and the German Chaos Computer Club., und . CSCW, Seite 1102-1115. ACM, (2016)Surprise trips: a system to augment the natural experience of exploration., , und . UbiComp (Adjunct Papers), Seite 413-414. ACM, (2010)Friction in Arenas of Repair: Hacking, Security Research, and Mobile Phone Infrastructure., und . CSCW, Seite 2475-2488. ACM, (2017)(Infra)structures of Volunteering., , und . CSCW, Seite 1704-1716. ACM, (2015)