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A Robust Maximum Likelihood Channel Estimator for OFDM Systems., , , and . WCNC, page 169-174. IEEE, (2007)Adaptive filtering in subbands: Design issues and experimental results for acoustic echo cancellation, and . Signal Processing, 61 (3): 213--223 (September 1997)Carrier-Frequency Offset Estimation for MIMO-OFDMA Uplink Transmission., and . VTC Spring, page 1712-1716. IEEE, (2008)Efficient Phase-Error Suppression for Multiband OFDM-Based UWB Systems., , , and . IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 59 (2): 766-778 (2010)Study on Properties of Protein Folding Conformation Network., and . BIOCOMP, page 292-295. CSREA Press, (2006)A Novel FFT Processor for OFDM UWB Systems., , , , , and . APCCAS, page 374-377. IEEE, (2006)Fault Diagnosis of Wastewater Treatment Processes Based on CPSO-DKPCA., , , , , and . Int. J. Comput. Intell. Syst., 17 (1): 19 (December 2024)Iterative carrier-frequency offset estimation for generalized OFDMA uplink transmission., , and . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 8 (3): 1373-1383 (2009)Design and analysis of practical common phase error mitigation for OFDM-UWB systems., , and . PIMRC, page 1627-1631. IEEE, (2009)Design and Analysis of Channel Estimation for Multi-Band OFDM-UWB Systems., , and . GLOBECOM, page 4437-4441. IEEE, (2008)