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Diagnosing Faulty Situations during Alliance Formation Process.

, and . Applied Informatics, page 72-78. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2003)

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An Agent-OS for Autonomous Cooperative Systems., , , , , , and . BASYS, volume 220 of IFIP, page 29-36. Springer, (2006)Past, Present, and Future of Industrial Agent Applications., , and . IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, 9 (4): 2360-2372 (2013)Role of Acquaintance Models in Agent-Based Production Planning System., , and . CIA, volume 1860 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 179-190. Springer, (2000)Message from the HoloMAS Workshop Chairs., , and . DEXA Workshops, page 567-572. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)HOLOMAS'00: Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems., and . DEXA Workshop, page 213. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Integrating Multi-Agent Systems: A Case Study., , , , , , , , , and . BASYS, volume 159 of IFIP, page 99-108. Springer, (2004)From Intra-Enterprise Towards Extra-Enterprise Production Planning., , , and . BASYS, volume 229 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 349-356. Kluwer, (2002)Tri-Base Model: An Approach to Project-Oriented Production Modelling., , , and . ESM, page 622-626. SCS Europe, (1998)Applying AI for Developemnt of CIM Software., and . IFIP Congress (3), volume A-53 of IFIP Transactions, page 416-423. North-Holland, (1994)A Review of Architectures and Concepts for Intelligence in Future Electric Energy Systems., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 62 (4): 2424-2438 (2015)