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Spectrally determined first-order limit laws.. Logic and Random Structures, том 33 из DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, стр. 33-52. DIMACS/AMS, (1995)Compton's Method for Proving Logical Limit Laws., и . AMS-ASL Joint Special Session, том 558 из Contemporary Mathematics, стр. 97-128. American Mathematical Society, (2009)The Horn theory of Boole's partial algebras., и . Bull. Symb. Log., 19 (1): 97-105 (2013)A course in Universal Algebra. Springer, (1981)2 Exemplare.Spectra and Systems of Equations., , и . AMS-ASL Joint Special Session, том 558 из Contemporary Mathematics, стр. 43-96. American Mathematical Society, (2009)