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Inference of User-Defined Type Qualifiers and Qualifier Rules., , , и . ESOP, том 3924 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 264-278. Springer, (2006)Navigational Plans for Data Integration., , и . Intelligent Information Integration, том 23 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (1999)Accelerating sequential consistency for Java with speculative compilation., , и . PLDI, стр. 16-30. ACM, (2019)Can You Fool Me? Towards Automatically Checking Protocol Gullibility., , , и . HotNets, стр. 31-36. ACM SIGCOMM, (2008)What do LLMs need to Synthesize Correct Router Configurations?, , , , и . HotNets, стр. 189-195. ACM, (2023)SCALE: Automatically Finding RFC Compliance Bugs in DNS Nameservers., , , и . NSDI, стр. 307-323. USENIX Association, (2022)Multiple Dispatch as Dispatch on Tuples., и . OOPSLA, стр. 374-387. ACM, (1998)SIGPLAN Notices 33(10).Probabilistic Program Abstractions., , и . UAI, AUAI Press, (2017)Static Reasoning about Programs and Queries.. PCK50, стр. 28-34. ACM, (2003)Sound Abstraction and Decomposition of Probabilistic Programs., , и . ICML, том 80 из Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, стр. 2004-2013. PMLR, (2018)