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Access control requirements engineering, modeling and verification in multi-domain grid and cloud computing systems. University of Macedonia Economic and Social Sciences, Greece, (2013)National Archive of PhD Theses: oai:10442/29923.Real Arithmetic in TLAPM., , , and . NFM, volume 14627 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 136-143. Springer, (2024)The Extended Cloud: Review and Analysis of Mobile Edge Computing and Fog From a Security and Resilience Perspective., , , and . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 35 (11): 2586-2595 (2017)A Security Evaluation Framework for Software-Defined Network Architectures in Data Center Environments., , , , and . CLOSER, page 277-288. SCITEPRESS, (2023)Poster: Effectiveness of Moving Target Defense Techniques to Disrupt Attacks in the Cloud., , , and . CCS, page 3415-3417. ACM, (2022)Threat awareness for critical infrastructures resilience., , , , , and . RNDM, page 196-202. IEEE, (2016)Verification of Resilience Policies that Assist Attribute Based Access Control., , , and . ABAC@CODASPY, page 43-52. ACM, (2017)Joint Security-vs-QoS Framework: Optimizing the Selection of Intrusion Detection Mechanisms in 5G networks., , , , , , and . ARES, page 67:1-67:6. ACM, (2022)A Framework to Support ICS Cyber Incident Response and Recovery., , , , and . ISCRAM, page 638-651. ISCRAM Digital Library, (2020)Analysing Design Approaches for the Power Consumption in Cyber-Physical Systems., , , , and . IM, page 908-913. IEEE, (2021)