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The long tail : why the future of business is selling less of more. Hyperion, New York, (2008)The long tail : why the future of business is selling less of more. Hyperion, (11.07.2006)A Self-Learning Architecture for Digital Twins with Self-Protection., , и . ACSOS-C, стр. 291-292. IEEE, (2021)Automated Classification of Helium Ingress in Irradiated X-750., , , , и . CoRR, (2019)Neural Networks for Predicting the Output of wind flow Simulations Over Complex Topographies., , и . ICBK, стр. 184-191. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)ExScal: Elements of an Extreme Scale Wireless Sensor Network., , , , , , , , , и 20 other автор(ы). RTCSA, стр. 102-108. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Opening Address: Ada 9X.. Ada-Europe, том 887 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-10. Springer, (1994)L-space knots with tunnel number >1 by experiment., , , , , , , , , и 1 other автор(ы). Exp. Math., 32 (4): 600-614 (октября 2023)Getting Ada into the mainstream.. TRI-Ada, стр. 427. ACM, (1990)Maguro, a system for indexing and searching over very large text collections., , , , и . WSDM, стр. 727-736. ACM, (2013)