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An Algorithm for Scheduling Prioritized Tasks in a Hard Real-Time Environment.

, and . EUROMICRO, page 69-76. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)

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DSPTune: A Performance Evaluation Toolset for the SHARC Signal Processor., , , and . Annual Simulation Symposium, page 51-57. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Maximizing Mean-Time to Failure in k-Resilient Systems with Repair., and . IEEE Trans. Computers, 46 (2): 229-234 (1997)A new parallel DSP with short-vector memory architecture., and . ICASSP, page 2139-2142. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)A 333-MHz dual-MAC DSP architecture for next-generation wireless applications., , , , , , , , and . ICASSP, page 1013-1016. IEEE, (2001)An Algorithm for Scheduling Prioritized Tasks in a Hard Real-Time Environment., and . EUROMICRO, page 69-76. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)Recent developments in enabling technologies for software defined radio., , and . IEEE Communications Magazine, 37 (8): 112-117 (1999)Cached memory performance characterization of a wireless digital baseband processor., , and . ICASSP (5), page 361-364. IEEE, (2004)Discrete wavelet transform: data dependence analysis and synthesis of distributed memory and control array architectures., and . IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 45 (5): 1291-1308 (1997)Performance analysis of turbo decoder for 3GPP standard using the sliding window algorithm., , , and . PIMRC, page E127-E131. IEEE, (2002)